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Beginner Tips for Efficient and Less Wasteful Vegetable Gardening

April 20, 2021

As we begin the ascent into peak planting and gardening season, many at-home gardeners are actively putting their well-thought-out growing plans into motion. But for those who are just starting out cultivating vegetables, or have a less-than-green thumb, it can be daunting to find the most efficient and least wasteful way to go about planting, nurturing and harvesting. Many gardeners opt to compost excess or overripe veggies to ensure anything that can’t be consumed has its nutrients returned to the soil and keep their garden as healthy as possible.

But even before resorting to composting, there are a few growing strategies and tactics to consider that can make your garden more efficient and less wasteful than ever. Join us as we explore them!


Bike Essentials to Help You Level-up Your Commute, Errands and More

April 19, 2021

Spring has arrived! As the warmer weather gets people excited to get outside, it’s never been a better time to consider making your bicycle a more substantial part of your day-to-day life. Not only is it a healthy way to get your body moving and a great opportunity to spend time with family and friends, but biking can be a great way to reduce your environmental footprint by replacing some of your car trips and serving as your primary method of transportation to run errands.

As you look to incorporate your bicycle into more of your day-to-day life and possibly even make it part of your daily commute, we’re here to offer some guidance, essential items and easy tips for making your bike rides as easy, safe, and fun as possible.


Sustainable America on Social

"Ceci Pineda (@cecime.seed) recognizes food scraps not as waste, but as another valuable resource to be utilized. They are the executive director of @bk_rot, NYC’s first bike-powered fossil fuel-free composting service..."


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