
Have you RSVPed for our Keystone Courage Award? Join us next Tuesday, May 4th, to honor Senator Bob Casey for his advocacy on gun reform. Hear from the Senator himself about the next steps for gun safety at the federal level. 

We'll also be joined by Attorney General Shapiro and local gun safety advocates to network and discuss initiatives to combat gun violence throughout the Commonwealth.

RSVP now to reserve your virtual seat

Thank you for all of your support, we hope to see you there!

Rhona Gerber
Development Director, CeaseFirePA


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Adam Garber, CeaseFirePA" <[email protected]>
Subject: Hear from Senator Casey on Biden's historic gun safety actions
April 14, 2021 at 3:50:14 PM EDT
Reply-To: [email protected]


Last week, President Biden announced the biggest federal action on gun reform in the last 30 years: background checks for ghost guns, investments in community-based violence prevention, and more.¹

Maybe the biggest announcement was the nomination of David Chipman to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). Now, as the confirmation fight for Chipman begins, you have the chance to hear directly from a key ally: Senator Bob Casey.

After we present Senator Casey with our Keystone Courage Award, he’ll discuss his work to make communities safer including these recent actions. Get your tickets for our interactive discussion with Senator Casey and other leaders today.

Chipman’s nomination is a critical step forward on gun safety, and his senate confirmation is sure to be close. Senator Casey, a leader on gun safety legislation in Congress, is poised to be a key voice and vote for Chipman in the confirmation process. Chipman, a former senior advisor on gun policy at Giffords, would be the first director of the ATF since 2015.²

Having a gun safety advocate lead the ATF would lead to stronger efforts to address illegal firearm trafficking, including annual reports on the source of firearms used in criminal activity and tackling ghost guns. But Chipman can only accomplish these things if he’s confirmed.

Join us to hear directly from Senator Casey about the expected confirmation process for Chipman, and have a chance to engage directly with the Senator on the role you can play in this major nomination fight.

In this pivotal time for gun reform, it’s more important than ever to have a strong gun safety advocate representing Pennsylvania in the senate — Senator Casey is that advocate. Join us May 4th to hear directly from him what comes next in the gun safety fight, and support CeaseFirePA in our mission to carry forward the current momentum.

Adam Garber
Executive Director, CeaseFirePA

¹White House, Fact Sheet, Biden-Harris Administration Initial Actions to Address the Gun Violence Public Health Epidemic, April 7, 2021.
²Caldwell, Alicia. "First Senate-confirmed director for ATF resigns after less than 2 years as permanent director." Star Tribune, March 20, 2015.

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