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Dear Fellow Patriot,

Our weak RINO governor vetoed a bill that would give the people of Arkansas sovereignty over their God-given Second Amendment rights. 

He says we need the far-left Congress and the federal government to impose strict gun control measures here in our state.

I thought the GOP was supposed to be the party of small government -- but the fact of the matter is that our GOP leadership on the state and federal levels are utterly gutless. 

I’m running for U.S. Senate to change that, and I’m asking for your support today

My RINO opponent has been totally SILENT as our governor allows the federal government to trample our rights. 

For too long, we have allowed these spineless cowards to give into the political left at every turn. 

They’d rather placate their D.C. Swamp special interests, instead of standing up for the people of Arkansas. 

When I’m in Washington, I will not sit idly by and allow Republicans to be steamrolled without putting up a fight, and I’m asking you to contribute to my election campaign right away to help me get there

The America First agenda is the only viable path forward for the GOP, and I plan to make the RINO Establishment of old feel the wrath of the American working class. 

Help me hold their feet to the fire by contributing $100, or $250 to my election campaign today

Even a contribution of $10, $25, or $50 will help send a Republican with a backbone to Washington

Fellow Patriot, this situation is urgent. 

Right now, radical Communist Democrats are trampling every sacred institution in this country, and our non-existent GOP “leadership” can’t be bothered to put up a fight. 

My RINO opponent has done NOTHING to stop the federal government’s overreach and its anti-American Second Amendment tyranny. 

I sit back and watch this trainwreck any longer, and I hope you won’t either, because we only have a short period of time left before America is transformed into a leftist cesspool of Communism, and our Constitution is ripped to shreds. 

Make sure you show the GOP Establishment that you plan to replace their weaklings with actual conservative fighters by contributing generously to my campaign right away

Gun rights are near and dear to my heart. 

I’m the proud owner of a gun range here in Arkansas, and I’m tired of the GOP aiding and abetting Communist Democrats who want to strip law-abiding Americans of their God-given rights. 

Bills like HR 8, which essentially ends the private sale of firearms, and HR 1446, which would implement mandatory gun purchase waiting periods, have already passed the House. 

And the non-existent GOP leadership is sitting on its hands while the radical left makes its largest gun control expansion in decades. 

Help me stop this madness by contributing to my election campaign today.


Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.
Jan Morgan Signature
Jan Morgan

Republican for United States Senate

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