and the end-of-month deadline is only a few days away

The Washington Post thinks the House is a “lock” for Washington Republicans because:

  • The party that controls the White House usually loses House seats during the midterm elections.
  • Redistricting is happening in nearly every congressional district over the course of the next year.

And that’s not all -- Washington Republicans only need to flip five seats to take back the House, and they’ve named me as one of 10 targets on their Redistricting Watch List.

The end-of-month deadline is only a few days away. Chip in now to fight back against Washington Republicans’ attacks → 

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I’m so proud of what House Democrats and the Biden Administration have been able to accomplish together in just a few months.

There’s so much more I want to do for New Jersey, including rebuilding our country’s infrastructure, advancing the Gateway Tunnel project, and creating millions of new jobs and strengthening our economy along the way.

But it will take all of us working together to protect our progress -- reaching our fundraising goals makes all the difference in our ability to keep NJ-11 and the House blue. I need to ask: Will you chip in to our campaign before the end-of-month deadline? Even $1 or $11 makes a huge difference. 

Thank you for all you do,



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Mikie Sherrill for Congress
PO Box 43032
Montclair, NJ 07043
United States

Mikie Sherrill was a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy. Use of her military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.