I bet you weren't expecting to hear from me today

Hey there,

It’s Cory’s birthday today, so I wanted to send you a note asking if you’ll sign his birthday card while he’s at work!

Last year, I moved to the wonderful Newark community he’s made his home for the past 20 years. Ever since, I’ve seen firsthand how Cory works his heart out to help this community and his state — doing everything he can to end this pandemic and deliver relief to our neighbors and people across the country.

There are a lot of challenges we’re facing right now. Cory is leading the effort in the Senate to advance needed police reform and take on systemic racism. He’s fighting for working families and essential workers, and addressing the epidemic of gun violence.

And the thing is, Cory brings such tireless energy and courageous love to all of this work despite these difficult times for our country and our world. Now more than ever, we need Cory’s grace, his civility, and his light during this dark moment in our history. His love lifts us all up.

I’d personally be so grateful if you signed Cory’s birthday card. He brings such incredible joy in service to others, but today I want all of us to share some of our joy with him.


And if you haven’t gotten your vaccine already, please go ahead and make your appointment as soon as possible. Every adult is eligible to be vaccinated — I got mine at Essex County College in Newark recently and was so happy to find a group of committed and professional people at the vaccine site willing to take time and care with me and answer my questions about getting vaccinated.

Over 125 million Americans have already received their vaccine, and if enough people get it, we have the potential to help end this pandemic once and for all.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for supporting and sharing your love and light with the man I love so much.

Can’t wait to show him this card later!

— Rosario