Right now, Republican legislatures in many states are actively maneuvering to criminalize protest.
In fact, some 81 bills criminalizing protest have been introduced in 34 states over just the first four months of this year.
Let’s be absolutely clear:
These Republican legislators are attempting, in effect, to overturn our constitutionally guaranteed rights to free speech and peaceable assembly.
And they are doing so specifically in response to the overwhelmingly peaceful protests that have occurred throughout America — from small towns to our largest cities — to stand with Black Lives Matter against police racism and violence.
- The Washington Post examined 7,305 protests in all 50 states and Washington, D.C., involving millions of everyday Americans, and found that over 97% of the events resulted in NO reported injuries to participants, bystanders, or police.
- And when there was violence, it was usually being directed AT peaceful protesters BY so-called “counterprotesters” or the police themselves.
- Less than 4% of the protests resulted in any vandalism or property damage (again, with much of that caused by police and “counterprotesters”).
- Quite notably, no such anti-protest legislation was introduced when rabid Trump adherents armed with military-grade weaponry menaced lawmakers in the Michigan State Capitol last year.
- Or in response to the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol — the only intentionally violent and blatantly seditionist “protest” of our time.
Any day now, the Republican-dominated state legislature in Iowa is expected to pass a draconian anti-protest bill that — among other retrograde, undemocratic measures — would:
1. Prevent you from suing me if you were protesting on public streets without a permit and I drove my car right into you. Iowa is not the only state looking into granting immunity to people who plow into crowds of protesters — a barbaric tactic that seems to be catching on among right-wing extremists and even some law enforcement personnel.
2. Impose a penalty of up to a year in prison for not stopping for an unmarked law-enforcement vehicle driven by plain-clothes officers. In other words, pull over for ANY vehicle with flashing lights or risk going to prison for a year.
3. Make you subject to felony charges if law enforcement says you were part of a “riot” — which is defined both broadly and vaguely — that could result in five years in prison and the permanent loss of your right to vote.
The Republican governor of Iowa, Kim Reynolds, has so far been supportive of the bill — even though it would deprive the people of her state of some of their most fundamental rights as Americans.
But if enough people from all across the country speak out, maybe we can help Governor Reynolds do the right thing and veto this legislation. We have to at least try.
Tell Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds:
Veto the anti-protest bill. Americans have the right to protest. It is, indeed, among the very first protections in the Bill of Rights as the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Don’t go down in history as someone who let rank partisanship and flagrant racism make you deprive your own citizens of some of their most fundamental and critical rights.
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For progress,
- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen
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