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Alert: Rep. Adam Schiff Caught Red-Handed!



The more we dig into Obama's Deep State machine, the more proof we find of scheming, conspiracy and an outright attempted coup against President Trump.

And now, thanks to investigative journalist Jack Prosobiec, we have proof that this 'whistleblower' scandal was manufactured by the Deep State.

Attorney General Barr's investigation into the Obama administration's role in the dubious Russiagate scandal is nearly finished..

...and it's time we add Adam Schiff to that investigation: IT'S TIME TO INDICT THEM ALL.

While Adam Schiff was busy getting headlines for his Intelligence Committee charade, Prosobiec was digging into his involvement with Ukrainian officials.

And what he found was nothing less than Deep State smoking gun...'s more than ample proof of one thing: justice is long overdue against the Deep State.


Help Us Bring Them All to Justice!

Here's what Prosobiec reveals about Schiff in his new report:

"Adam Schiff sent a House Intel staffer to Ukraine during Aug 24-31, just 12 days after receiving the whistleblower complaint. This trip was sponsored by a think tank that receives funding from a program of left-wing billionaire George Soros' Open Society Foundation called "Open Society Initiative for Europe." They met directly with former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, known for his strong ties to the Obama Administration, specifically Obama's point man for Ukraine: Joe Biden."


So, let's break this down like a fraction...

...The Deep State recruits a CIA agent to be a whistleblower and claim illegal activity by President Trump - which the DOJ later cleared - then Schiff sends a staffer to Ukraine to coordinate with pro-Obama forces there to collaborate on the effort to take down Trump for treason.

The problem is none of what they're claiming is true. 

This is yet another attempt by Democrats and the Deep State to manufacture controversy so they'll have an excuse to impeachment Trump...

...because they know they can't beat him in 2020.

That's right: this is nothing more than a political campaign by another means. 

It's time to prosecute these traitors and throw their asses in jail where they belong.

Will you help us demand an indictment?

Steve Eichler,

P.S.- Attorney General Barr's investigation is about to drop a nuclear detonation on the Deep State. That's the good news. The bad news is people like Schiff could come out squeaky clean. We can't allow that to happen. Sign the petition and help us demand indictment of ALL of the Deep State!

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