Future Forum PAC is a coalition of young democratic members of Congress focused on issues and opportunities for the next generation. But, if you no longer wish to hear from us, you can unsubscribe.
Hey team, Last week, extremist members of Congress tried to launch the “America First Caucus” — a group interested in preserving “white traditions and values.” After Democrats stood together and voiced our opposition to this attempt to digify white supremacy, we were able to shut it down. But at this very moment, extremists still walk the halls of Congress, and they are raising MILLIONS to get themselves and their buddies re-elected in 2022: Individual donations are pouring in to Congressional Republicans who tried to undermine the 2020 elections and cast doubt on our democracy. We need to make sure we’re keeping up with their fundraising — which is why we’re asking for your support: If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
The reality is that these Republicans are appealing to a base that has been fired up by Donald Trump for the past four years, and they are giving at record rates to help Trump-aligned Republicans who have promised to take back the House. We need to match their energy if we’re going to hold onto our majority, and right now, we’re not where we need to be for the month of April. You can help us get back on track by pitching in $5 or more to help Future Forum Democrats win in 2022. Here’s the link to donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/FFPACUS-ALL-Email-April2021-FR-April Thanks so much, |
Future Forum PAC PO Box 83142 Gaithersburg, MD 20883-3142 United States Paid For By The Future Forum Political Action Committee And Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee. Contributions To The Future Forum Political Action Committee Are Not Deductible For Federal Tax Purposes. |