Dear John,

The spring issue of the Claremont Review of Books—America's premier quarterly journal on political thought and statesmanship—will be out soon!

The new issue features essays on Big Tech and the future of self government, political thought in the age of conformity, feminism, the "transgender craze," Lincoln, Churchill, and much more. With 33 essays and book reviews, it is one of our largest issues yet!

Take a peek inside at the table of contents and subscribe or renew today to receive your copy online and in the mail in just a few weeks.
“The Claremont Review of Books is one of the very few existing publications actually worth hand distributing via mimeograph in the politically correct police state its enemies would like to see.”
- Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal, Palantir Technologies, and Founders Fund
New Episode: Daniel McCarthy on the Future of the Right
President Trump ushered in a new era—but an era of what, exactly? Daniel McCarthy and Spencer Klavan discuss this in our latest episode of The Close Read.
The mission of the Claremont Institute is to restore the principles of the American Founding to their rightful, preeminent authority in our national life.