I wanted to shoot you a note from Iowa, where I've been making my case to voters face to face, as well as enjoying the local cooking--most recently, at Progress Iowa's Corn Feed in Cedar Rapids Sunday
Hickenlooper 2020 |

Friend, I wanted to shoot you a note from Iowa, where I’ve been making my case to voters face to face, as well as enjoying the local cooking—most recently, at Progress Iowa’s Corn Feed in Cedar Rapids Sunday afternoon.

(Can I take a moment to get nerdy about corn? The brewer in me wants you to know that, as early as 1587, Virginia colonists were fermenting ale from corn. In Cedar Rapids, the menu included everything from Mexican grilled corn to corn casserole to cornbread. This plant really has so many possibilities living inside it.)

On a serious note, it’s been really good to be on the ground out here, recommitting to the values that drive this campaign: listening, learning, and bringing people together in a spirit of collaboration to end our crisis of division.

You’ll be hearing a lot of opinions about this race for the next seven months. But at the end of the day, the opinions of the people of Iowa, New Hampshire, and other early states mean a lot.

Their concerns, their experiences and their hopes and dreams are what will ultimately set the course of this primary. Not pundits, not reporters, not political chatter.

Instead, it’s time on porches, in living rooms, in diners and libraries, at fairgrounds and factories and communal feasts like the one this weekend. Time spent truly connecting with people, truly listening, truly learning and evolving.

That’s what will build the relationships that take us across the finish line in this race.

If you agree, chip in now to help my team build our operation in Iowa and other early states so we can do the work that will truly pay off in 2020.

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Thank you,


Paid for by Hickenlooper 2020

PO Box 6377, Denver, CO 80206

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