Sign up to join or start a 350 local group in your area


We just had the largest climate mobilization in history. Over 7.6 million people worldwide joined the Global Climate Strike September 20th-27th. There were over 1,200 strike actions across the U.S., and guess what? A few hundred of them were hosted by local 350 groups and volunteers. 

Mobilization moments like the Climate Strike are an exciting opportunity to show how big, beautiful and diverse the movement for climate justice is. But the work of community organizing is ongoing. Right now, volunteers in over 160 local 350 groups around the U.S. are activating neighbors, campaigning to stop fossil fuel projects and advance just solutions, and building coalitions in their communities.

The next step after the strikes is to organize in your local community. Can you join a local 350 group near where you live and get involved in the fight for climate justice?

Local 350 groups and their partners are doing the essential work of making change at the local level. As you know, individual action is important, but given the scale of the crisis it is not remotely enough. That’s why we need to organize and take action together. This is the only way we’re going to achieve the transformative changes that are necessary in the short timeline science and justice demand.

I understand how daunting it can feel to contemplate getting involved for the first time. When I first started volunteering with 350 Maine about 5 years ago, I had little idea what I was doing. But I saw that 350 Maine and their coalition partners had just won a major victory preventing the export of tar sands oil from South Portland. There is tremendous power in collective action! That’s why I want to invite you to connect to the local 350 group closest to you, or to start a new group.

If you haven’t already done so, please take the next step and start organizing for climate justice in your neighborhood, town or city. Sign up here, and we'll connect you with a local 350 group in your area or help you start one.

Let’s keep going,


PS: Need another reason to get involved in the climate movement today? Check out our 350 Next Steps page for details on how to plug into 350’s ongoing national campaign work. is a global movement that fights for a just and equitable world by stopping the fossil fuel industry from continuing to destroy our climate.
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