Dear John,
In the face of continued uncertainty and challenges in today's world, there is still reason to celebrate.
Join us on Friday, May 14th for National No Place for Hate Day 2021 to acknowledge the hard work of students, educators, parents and the entire community by taking over social media with #noplaceforhate.
Here's the plan: Have everyone in your school community - students, educators and parents - show up online on Friday, May 14, 2021 and follow these 3 steps:
1. BE CREATIVE! Post a photo or a brief video - under 1-minute, with a caption or a text post on your social media accounts that answers the following question:
"This past year, how were you an ally in your school or community?
2. Include #noplaceforhate in your caption. For Instagram stories, we've created a No Place for Hate sticker - just search NPFH!
3. Tag ADL’s national social media accounts by including these handles:
Facebook: @anti.defamation.league
Instagram: @adl_national
Twitter: @ADL
Share these guidelines widely so you can join schools across the country as students, educators and families take over the Internet with their inspiring stories of allyship!
See you online on May 14th!
In Partnership,
The ADL Education Team