What keeps high school students on track to graduation in the Philadelphia School District? Today RFA and the School District of Philadelphia are releasing a Graduation FAQ. The purpose of this FAQ is to share what the Philadelphia Education Research Consortium (PERC) has learned about high school students in Philadelphia & how research has been used to help these students stay on track to graduation.

PERC is a research partnership between the School District of Philadelphia and Research for Action. Together we have examined experience and outcomes of youth attending high schools in the district and how schools can help students succeed.

The Graduation FAQ explains what it means for a student to be on track to graduation, ways to prevent students from falling off track, and ways to help students get back on track. We also share which students and schools need the most support and ways the School District of Philadelphia has used our research to help students.

If you’re interested in learning more about keeping high school students on track to graduation in the School District of Philadelphia.

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