ClearPath joins Chamber of Commerce, Leading Environmental and Business Groups Calling on Senate Leaders to Move Widely Supported Energy Innovation Agenda
This week more than 25 organizations signed a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer urging them to place legislation addressing energy and climate technology and innovation on the Senate’s fall legislative calendar. The group is encouraging consideration of bills including the following. Read the letter here
S. 383, the Utilizing Significant Emissions with Innovative Technologies (USE IT) Act, which would advance CO2 utilization and direct air capture research, permitting and development.
S. 903, the Nuclear Energy Leadership Act (NELA), which would bolster America’s leadership in nuclear energy by facilitating the development of next generation nuclear energy resources.
S. 1201, the Enhancing Fossil Fuel Energy Carbon Technology (EFFECT) Act of 2019, which would authorize DOE to support the development of technologies that improve the efficiency, effectiveness, costs, and environmental performance of coal and natural gas use.
S. 1602, the Better Energy Storage Technology (BEST) Act, which would increase R&D in battery storage technologies to strengthen the electric grid amid the integration of renewables.
S. 1685, the Launching Energy Advancement and Development through Innovations for Natural Gas (LEADING) Act of 2019, which would accelerate DOE’s research and development of commercially-viable carbon capture technologies for natural gas-fired electric generation facilities.
“We need an aggressive innovation policy for clean energy that will also facilitate breakthroughs relevant for the developing world. These strong bipartisan policies will help commercialize the cutting-edge clean energy technologies needed to reduce global emissions as quickly and cheaply as possible.”
National Energy Awareness Month
This week President Trump issued a Presidential Proclamation naming October National Energy Awareness Month. This is nothing new, but encouraging that in his proclamation he paid significant attention to clean energy innovation. Below is an excerpt. Read the full proclamation here
“...For the first time in decades, the Department of Energy is operating test facilities to develop new and better emissions-free nuclear reactor technology. My Administration will continue to collaborate with industry and academia to focus research and development on the next generation of energy production. By leveraging the collective strength of America's brightest researchers and entrepreneurs, we will produce the energy technologies of tomorrow, including advanced small modular nuclear reactors, transformational coal technologies, more efficient semiconductors for solar cells, and improved battery and storage technology.”

Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) Reports on Need for Regulatory Improvements for Advanced Nuclear Reactor Designs
The Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) has released a couple of reports that will help bring the regulatory approach to advance nuclear energy into the modern era. Existing process was set more than 50 years ago, well before the advanced reactor technology of today. ClearPath has recently presented to Nuclear Regulatory Commission on the need for regulatory improvements for advanced nuclear reactor designs. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman, John Barrasso (R-WY) along with Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) have also sent a letter urging the NRC to develop a GEIS for the construction and operation of advanced nuclear reactor technologies. Read more here
Read the NIA reports here:
Nuclear Innovation and NEPA: Streamlining NRC NEPA Reviews for Advanced Reactor Demonstration Projects While Safeguarding Environmental Protection
Establishing Interface Requirements for “Major Portions” Standard Design Approvals
“Unless we update the process, small modular reactors and microreactors would be subject to the same environmental impact study as a traditional reactor. The first American advanced reactor design could clear NRC licensing within two years, and our regulatory process needs to be up to speed.”

Small Modular Reactor technology gets boost in Canada,
ARC Nuclear Canada completes first phase of review process
This week ARC Nuclear Canada Inc. (ARC Canada) completed the first phase of the Vendor Design Review (VDR) program administered by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Canada’s nuclear regulator, marking a major milestone. Read the announcement here
ClearPath is hiring!
We are hiring a Government Relations Associate. This member of the team will support the entire GR team as well has cultivate and maintain relationships on Capitol Hill. We are looking for someone with 2-4 years of Hill experience and a passion for our mission. Click here to read more about the job
October 8: At 1pm the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) Energy & National Security Program will host an event to release a new report Oil and Gas Industry Engagement on Climate Change: Drivers, Actions, and Path Forward. Register here
October 14-18: Nuclear Science Week is coming to Washington, D.C. this year. On Wednesday, October 16 from 12-5:30pm in the Rayburn Foyer becomes a dynamic, interactive space where people can learn about and discuss the benefits of nuclear science. Food and beverages available. Reception 4-5:30pm. More details here
October 15: Join the Atlantic Council for a roundtable discussion on The Civilian-Military Nexus and the Role of Innovation in Nuclear Energy from 2 - 5 pm. Register here
October 22: ClearPath and the Department of Energy will host an Atomic Wings lunch and learn on Capitol Hill. This event continues the series of educational lunches on nuclear energy. More details to come soon.
October 28: Save the Date - A Conversation With Senator Lisa Murkowski. EPIC and the Becker Friedman Institute will host Sen. Lisa Murkowski, chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, for a special conversation with Michael Greenstone. More details and RSVP information to come.