Working alongside restaurant servers and other service workers, even just for an hour, proved what many of us already know: Service workers are skilled workers and they deserve a livable wage. Period.
Earlier this month, I took on a challenge proposed by One Fair Wage to all Members of Congress and worked as a restaurant server for an hour in California.
There are pictures at the end of this email, but please read the rest of this email first.
Working alongside restaurant servers and other service workers, even just for an hour, proved what many of us already know: Service workers are skilled workers and they deserve a livable wage. Period.
That’s why I’m leading the fight in Congress to increase the minimum wage to at least $15/hr. If you support this fight, please chip in whatever amount you can afford today.
All workers deserve to be able to provide for their families without needing a second job or cutting corners on necessities. And it’s wrong that it’s been over 12 years since the federal minimum wage was last raised.
When we demand a $15/hr wage, we're not asking for charity. We’re not asking for philanthropy. We’re asking for justice.
Workers should be paid the value of their work and their time. And it’s a total failure of the market that 32 million workers aren’t getting the raise they desperately need.
That’s why I’m fighting tooth and nail for a $15/hr minimum wage. If you support this fight, if you support these frontline workers, if you support this fight for justice, please chip in $3 or whatever you can afford today.
Thank you for reading through this. Now, below are the pictures I promised.