Weekly Round-Up

Quincy news highlights

April 25, 2021


The Human Rights Impact of Broad-Based Economic Sanctions— Time to Rethink our Approach?

Wednesday, April 28
1:00 pm Eastern

Over the past three decades, we have seen an explosion in the United States’ use of broad-based economic sanctions. Policymakers on both sides of the aisle view sanctions as an attractive, low-cost foreign policy tool.  The economic pain inflicted on the target country is generally intended to compel it to cease its human rights abuses. But do such sanctions themselves violate human rights by increasing the suffering of civilian populations --causing starvation, shortages in critical medicines, electricity, and even clean water? 

Join QI Non-Resident Fellows Asli Bali (UCLA) & Josh Landis (University of Oklahoma), and CUNY's Peter Beinart for a discussion of whether it is time to rethink the usage of broad-based economic sanctions. QI's Trita Parsi will moderate.

Ending the Forever War: President Biden’s Decision to Withdraw U.S. Troops from Afghanistan

Friday, April 30
2:00 pm Eastern


The Biden administration’s decision to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan by September 11 or sooner marks a historic pivot away from endless war. President Joe Biden recognized that there is no viable path for U.S. troops to militarily defeat the Taliban. Biden also rejected calls for a “robust U.S. military presence to stand as leverage” in uncertain negotiations. What led Biden to make these determinations and will he be able to keep his word given the challenges ahead?

Join a discussion that delves into the calculations behind President Biden’s monumental decision and the future of U.S. engagement in Afghanistan and the region with Ambassador Richard Olson, Brookings' Vanda Felbab-Brown, and Center for Naval Analyses' Jonathan Schroden. The conversation will be moderated by QI’s Adam Weinstein.


China Doesn’t Pose an Existential Threat for America
By Michael Swaine, East Asia Director
Foreign Policy, 4/22/21

There is no doubt that Beijing’s behavior in many areas challenges existing U.S. and allied interests and democratic values. This deeply troubling behavior certainly requires a strong, concerted response from the United States and other nations. But to be effective, such a response also requires an accurate assessment of China’s future impact on the United States and the world.

Congressional Testimony
Civil and Political Rights in the Republic of Korea
By Jessica Lee, Senior Research Fellow
House Foreign Affairs Committee Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, 4/15/21

Is America’s Longest Forever War Really Coming to an End?
By Grand Strategy Director Stephen Wertheim & Research Fellow Adam Weinstein
The Guardian, 4/19/21

Even though Biden has convinced himself that the war should end, events on the ground – dramatized by the armchair forever warriors in Washington – could potentially cause him to slow or reverse course in the hopes of forestalling imminent calamity.

Afghanistan — The Long Defeat
By Andrew Bacevich, President
The American Spectator, 4/19/21

While no one in the White House or at the State Department, much less the Pentagon, will say so aloud, the fact is that the vaunted US military has suffered a resounding defeat in Afghanistan. Even without dramatic video footage of overloaded helicopters lifting off from the roof of the U.S. embassy, the likely outcome of the Afghanistan War bears comparison with the Vietnam debacle of a half-century ago.

Biden Brings in World Leaders to Talk Climate
Interview with Rachel Esplin Odell, Research Fellow
Fox 5, 4/22/21




EVENT: The First 100 Days: Implications for the Future of U.S. Foreign Policy featuring Grand Strategy Director Stephen Wertheim, Chatham House, 4/23/21

EVENT: SOS! Sino-American Cooperation Needed to Save the Planet featuring Joanna Lewis, Jonas Nahm, Alex Wang, & Michael Swaine (moderator), Quincy Institute, 4/22/21

VIDEO: Biden’s Crucial Climate Summit by Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, Quincy Institute, 4/22/21

EVENT: Is the Quad’s Rise Destablizing Asia? featuring Yun Sun, Sarang Shidore, Kishore Mahbubani, & Rachel Esplin Odell (moderator), Quincy Institute, 4/21/21

The Wisdom of Détente in the Persian Gulf by Non-Resident Fellow Paul Pillar, Responsible Statecraft, 4/22/21

'I Feel the World Is Turning a Blind Eye' by Walker Bragman/ Quoted: Research Fellow on the Middle East Annelle Sheline, The Daily Poster, 4/22/21

Afghanistan is a Flat Circle by Michael Bluhm/ Interviewed: Senior Research Fellow on Russia and Europe Anatol Lieven, The Signal, 4/21/21

If Climate Change is a ‘Priority,’ Biden Must Shed the Cold War Approach to China by Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, Responsible Statecraft, 4/21/21

Groups Call on Biden to Offer Iran Coronavirus Relief by Research Assistant Matthew Petti, Responsible Statecraft, 4/21/21

How Gen Z Can Stop its Money From Going Down the ‘Rathole’ by Intern Nathan Smith, Responsible Statecraft, 4/21/21

Biden’s Yemen Envoy in the Hot Seat by Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, Responsible Statecraft, 4/21/21

Hawks Okay With Israeli Attacks on Iran Leading to All-Out War by Research Assistant Matthew Petti, Responsible Statecraft, 4/20/21

Why Joe Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal Doesn’t Mark the End of America’s Forever War by Non-Resident Fellow Samuel Moyn, The New Statesman, 4/19/21

PODCAST: What Comes Next for Afghanistan After American Troops Depart? Interviewed: Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, UN Dispatch, 4/19/21

The U.S. Lacks Options if Russia Calls Washington’s Ukraine Bluff by Ted Galen Carpenter/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, Antiwar.com, 4/19/21


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