Dear Friend,

When I was growing up, free speech, due process, and an impartial judiciary were not controversial notions. Americans of all political stripes shared these values, at least in principle, and most of us recognized America as unique among nations in its commitment to preserving these ideals. 

Today, a growing number of Americans want to limit free speech, curtail due process, and undermine the independence of our federal judiciary.

Proposals to pack the courts, deny fair and impartial proceedings to the accused, and punish or silence certain viewpoints are often advanced under the guise of gender justice. Left-wing feminist legal groups say that such measures are needed to protect women. But these groups have it exactly backwards: a society without free speech, due process, and an independent judiciary is not capable of protecting anyone. 

Independent Women’s Law Center is fighting back.

At IWLC, we understand that there can be no justice without due process and an independent judiciary. 

That’s why we are:

And we know that true equality is not possible in a society where people are afraid to speak their minds. 

That’s why we recently:

  • Filed a brief in the U.S. Supreme Court in favor of a female high school student who was punished for expressing her opinions on social media; 
  • Filed another brief urging the Supreme Court to protect anonymity of donors to charitable causes who fear doxxing and retaliation by the mob; and
  • Helped launch a Free Speech Pledge to combat cancel culture and urge platforms and services to apply their rules consistently, irrespective of the speaker’s viewpoint or beliefs.

We are proud of all that we have accomplished. But there is so much more to do. 

Won’t you consider helping us with a contribution to the work of Independent Women’s Law Center?

Invest Now

With gratitude,

Independent Women’s Law Center