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What a week it has been, and since I really feel like True Texans are family, I thought I'd try to express to you all the wonderfulness and what it has meant to me.
It started with our amazing Texas Tough party celebrating Texas Independence. Immediately after that we had to deal with cancel culture trying to stop us from meeting. And yesterday the Leftist media published the hit piece they have been harassing us about for a month. See what I mean? Big week!
It may not seem like it, but all those things have a common thread -- and it is all good! That common thread is YOU! You guys have blown me away.
I walked into the party when the room was still empty... just a sea of beautiful tables and decorations ready to welcome FIVE HUNDRED guests! I had to just stand there a sec and take it all in. Someone asked me, "Is this all for True Texas Project...not shared with anyone else?" Nope. It was all us! Simply amazing! But get this... I knew almost no one there! So many new faces! So the crowd of 500 is only a fraction - a small fraction - of the people behind TTP.
As the night went on, it was an interesting vibe in the room. I've been to a lot of political gatherings -- and with grassroots they are always fun, lively, and energized. But this one, I don't know... it was different. The ages ranged from 10 to 90. The backgrounds were just as varied. That was beautiful in and of itself because everyone felt completely like they belonged. What was amazing was that that feeling of "belonging" was more than just surface-y. These people I had never met had just as much sense of ownership and belonging to True Texas Project as I do! There was pride. There was team spirit. And above all, the #1 comment I heard was that there was new hope. The excitement over this newly-discovered organization (new to them) was palpable! The night was a smashing success -- and the fireworks at the end were the perfect finale!
Of course you all know what happened after that. Our meeting on Tuesday night in Denton County won the attention of a few various groups that, well, don't really see eye-to-eye with us. Ha! The Left pulled out all the stops to get us kicked out of not one but THREE venues. We prevailed and met at a 4th location... and the response was phenomonal! Their little scheme backfired. You guys responded in a BIG way! The meeting ended up packed with 100 folks from all over the metroplex, not just Denton. Plus lots of you said you went to the wrong venue or couldn't get to the new venue on time, so the numbers blew us away. But then...
Then the emails, calls, texts, and messages started pouring in! Literally people from all over the country sent me thank you notes for True Texas Project standing strong, for not backing down. Why? Because nobody else does that. Nobody ever delivers a win, but we did! They told me TTP gives them hope. Sound familiar?
With both those high's pushing us forward, you'd think a hit by the leftwing media would take us straight back down, right? You'd be wrong. The immediate response both Fred and I had, separately, was the same, "Wow! We sound pretty awesome!" LOL Yeah, it was a hit piece filled with lies and half-truths, but there are some funny points to make. For starters, that reporter requested interviews from dozens of people. She dug back through 12 years of speakers, politicians, and Board members. In the end she had quotes from -- count 'em -- two people. One was an establishment hack out of Austin that regularly throws anyone and everyone under the bus if it means he gets in the paper. The other was a local friend who immediately apologized after his interview, calling me to say, "Julie, I think I just screwed up." Eh. I can get over that. There was actually a 3rd quote from an anonymous politician who is supposedly too scared of us to give his name. LOL -- that's the way we like it, but I suspect it was totally made up. The reporter claimed we removed posts that she had questionned, but we don't remove or apologize for anything. Facebook is the one who has taken them down (probably at the request of the reporter). Basically the article was taking aim at Ted Cruz, but his dad Rafael called me yesterday to reassure me he'd never interview with those yahoos and said to ignore them.
So the article hit Friday by the Washington Post and was picked up by local outlets Saturday, but it was released on the day with the least traffic, and the attacks have fallen flat (not that our people care anyway -- many newspapers have tried to kill us; all have failed). On the other hand, once again I'm getting responses from you, the people of True Texas Project. The messages have been similar. "True Texas Project is my home. I love TTP. That newspaper made you sound like my kind of people! True Texas Project being attacked by the media is a badge of honor. Where can I sign up? How can I donate? You give me hope."
And Bang -- there was that word again! Hope. It's the recurring theme from this past week. Please know that True Texas Project does not back down. We are not going anywhere. We will continue to fight as long as you are with us. And what an adventure it is! I've been saying for 12 years that we will make Texas the lighthouse when America crumbles. After talking to patriots from around the country these past several days, like Chicago and Vermont and such, it is clear to me that it really is a burden we must bear -- and we must be successful. Lots of folks are counting on us.
So there you have it... one busy week. Makes you wonder what great, privileged adventures tomorrow holds, but hey, I wouldn't wanna be on this ride with anyone but you guys!
Stay encouraged,
Julie McCarty
True Texas Project CEO
PS. Our email provider changed the formatting on us! Normally every email has our calendar, links to our social media, donations page, etc. It will all have to be rebuilt. UGH! In the meantime, know that you can go to [link removed] to get all of that and more! We have a video library, info about us, events coming up, election information, links to past meetings, links to social media, three ways to donate, links to contact your representatives, and a whole lot more. Check it out!
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