We're not all GI Joe or Jane. We can still survive.
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Are you one of those preppers who may feel the preppersphere has left you behind because of your physical condition, disability, or health problems?

You may feel like due to a chronic illness, pain, lack of fitness, or other issues, you are sure to perish. That's not necessarily true. You can still survive and be an asset if you plan around your physical situation.

This article is for you.

LINK:  https://www.theorganicprepper.com/prep-when-you-are-not-at-your-best/

What kinds of difficulties have you had? How have you coped? How have you prepped? Is there anything that makes it tougher for you to prep or would make it harder in an emergency? Let's talk about it in the comments.


This could be the most important time to grow food EVER! We're written repeated warnings about our supply chain and I know tons of you are getting your gardens ready and buying seeds/seedlings.

But it doesn’t stop at the seeds; it’s also about planting at the optimal time, so you can get the most harvest possible.

And this amazing free Garden Planning Tool will help you calculate your planting dates for 2021 in a snap!

Learn more.
From the Archives

Without Rule of Law, anything goes. That’s when various groups step into action with an agenda, and sometimes nefarious goals.

While people are finding CBD provides them with relief from a wide range of ailments, it shows incredible promise for the relief of anxiety.
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