Dear John,
Celebrate May Day weekend! On Sunday, May 2, 7 pm Eastern, 6 Central and 4:00 Pacific join an online Town Hall, “Confronting the Covid Economy: Women Fight Back.” Labor and other activists from across the country will testify about the impact of the pandemic on working women’s lives and future, and about the ways women are fighting back against unemployment. What policies can be demanded that will alleviate these extra burdens experienced by women workers? What will be the impact of the American Rescue Plan on women’s lives, and in what areas does that plan fall short? What demands can be made of lawmakers and others that will make the most difference in women’s real lives? How can we most effectively organize to demand justice, equality and an end to the exploitation and special oppression that particularly women of color face in the capitalist economy-in-crisis?
Carmella Carothers, Shop Steward and Membership Assistance Program, UNITE HERE Local 1
Haley Carrera, Community Organizer Phoenix AZ
Carol Rosenblatt, Retired Executive Director, Coalition of Labor Union Women
Erica Smiley, Executive Director, Jobs With Justice
The event will be moderated by Chauncey K Robinson, Peoples World's Social Media Editor.
Register here.
See you at the Town Hall!
John Wojcik
Editor Peoples World
Vice President
International Labor Communicators Association
Howard Kling
Vice President
International Labor Communicators Association