Dear John, Democrats and many Republicans in Congress have agreed to restore corrupt, costly, and inequitable Congressional earmarks. John, tell your Senators and U.S. Representative to oppose the return of earmarks and instead support a permanent ban. Earmarks are the most wasteful practice in Congressional history. They have resulted in members of Congress squandering $392.5 billion in taxpayer funds since 1991 on pork-barrel projects like Alaska’s “Bridge to Nowhere,” Iowa’s indoor tropical rain forest, and North Carolina’s teapot museum. The restoration of earmarks will lead to an avalanche of pet projects and cause federal spending to explode, because members of Congress can be legally bribed with a few million dollars in earmarks in exchange for voting in favor of big, bloated spending bills. Earmarks reward the privileged few – congressional appropriators, special interests, and lobbyists – at the expense of taxpayers. They are exactly the type of “swampy” business as usual in our nation’s capital that Americans roundly reject. Tell your elected officials to oppose the return of Congressional Earmarks. After Democrats took control of the White House and Congress in January, prominent Congressional Democrats – and even many Republicans – began to call for the restoration of earmarks, which had been subject to a moratorium since 2011. Shockingly, after the Democrats agreed to bring them back, the House Republican Conference supported their return. But Senate Republicans refused to go along, and they are the last group standing against this wasteful practice. It is now more important than ever that we send a clear message that American taxpayers won’t stand for a return to the cronyism and corruption that earmarks represent. That’s why it’s so urgent that you tell your elected officials now to oppose lifting the earmark moratorium and support a permanent ban on this wasteful practice. Please don’t delay – your member of Congress needs to hear from you today! Sincerely, Deborah Collier Vice President of Policy and Government Affairs |