Register to vote....
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The deadline to register to vote is Monday!
Are you registered to vote? Or do you know someone who needs to register?
HaveĀ a family member or friend who recently turned 18?
Do you have a likeminded friend who needs to register?
Register to Vote >>> Click Here
If you're registered - is your registration up to date?
Have you recently moved?
Recently changed your last name?
Do you want to change your political affiliation to Republican?
Update your Registration >>> Click Here
If you aren't sure if you're registered, be sure to verify your registration!
Verify Your Registration
Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th

Email All Questions to: [email protected]

Our mailing address is:
902 Columbia Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17603

Paid for by Smucker for Congress.
Contributions to Smucker for Congress are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

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