Independent Women’s Forum is delighted to announce that U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis from Wyoming is the latest entry in our popular series of Champion Women profiles.

Senator Lummis was part of the GOP’s unprecedentedly large number of women elected to Congress last year, and the only GOP woman to be elected to a first term in the Senate. She is the first member of the House Freedom Caucus to be elected to the Senate.

Shortly after Lummis was elected to Senate, the New York Times described the third-generation Wyoming rancher's coaxing of a powerful bull into a trailer. An admiring aide was quoted recalling that Lummis managed to get the moody bull Romeo into the trailer “just by being nice.”

She is nice, but that doesn’t prevent Lummis from being an unflinching conservative, not afraid to take a stand. Throughout her career, Lummis has been an unwavering advocate for a free-market approach to Wyoming’s energy industry.

More lately, she has become a supporter of blockchain technology, including bitcoin. She thinks it could come in handy if the U.S. dollar is undermined by the extent of our national debt.

Wyoming’s new Senator expects to have to fight for her state’s energy industry and worries about the left’s narrow approach to the energy issues that are so crucial for Wyoming. She vows to fight a fracking ban with all she has.

We know you will enjoy meeting this “Wyoming girl” who lives in the cinderblock house her father built on the family’s original ranch and was married to one of the state’s most popular Democratic politicians (until he switched without telling anybody beforehand).


Charlotte Hays
Cultural Director
Independent Women's Forum