Dear John,

I wanted to share more of the work I have been doing to keep my campaign promises.

As a member of the Education and Labor Committee, I spoke out against two bills on the House floor that would put the interests of trial lawyers and government bureaucrats ahead of our hardworking small business owners. In the name of pay for and protection of women in the workplace, values we can all agree with, the Democrats want to impose hundreds of millions of dollars of new costs on businesses who would either have to raise prices on consumers or lower wages for their employees.

In addition to speaking out against the Democrats for their liberal anti-business agenda, I introduced two bills to take on the unions.

H.R. 2218 would repeal the Davis-Bacon Act. This law inflates the cost of federal projects by requiring the government to pay what’s known as the “prevailing wage.” H.R. 2403 would prohibit predatory union practices known as “Neutrality Agreements” which stop employers from negotiating with employees and unions without threat of coercive union tactics.

These bills are supported by Americans for Prosperity, National Right to Work, FreedomWorks, and Heritage Action for America.

I also said I would provide my unwavering support for law-abiding gun owners.

This past week, I introduced legislation along with Senator Mike Lee to remove the requirement that suppressors be registered with and taxed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Responsible gun owners should not have to wait months or pay an extra $200 for firearms accessories.

This bill is supported by National Association of Gun Rights and Gun Owners of America.
For God and Country,

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