Learn some tips from our experts on how to keep your kids safe and happy. View this message online.
Babies and Food Allergies: What Parents Need to Know
Experts in the Gores Family Allergy Program at Children's Hospital Los Angeles agree: Feeding infants peanuts, eggs and other common allergens makes them less likely to develop sensitivities to these foods.
Neurological Institute Outpatient Center Opens—Largest Such Facility in the West
The new, family-friendly space is home to comprehensive neurologic care for kids—all in one convenient location at Children's Hospital Los Angeles.
Back to School—But Not Back to Normal
As kids return to campus, parents and teachers should be prepared to support their social, emotional and mental health needs.
Is 'W' Sitting Bad for Kids?
Parents are often told that if their child sits in a "W" position it will affect their hips. Not so, a new study reports.
Sign Up for Walk and Play L.A. at Home
Join hundreds of other community members for a virtual walk and family festival featuring performances, interactive sports clinics and more—all to benefit Children's Hospital Los Angeles.
4650 Sunset Blvd. | Los Angeles, CA 90027 | 323-361-2308
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