Metro DC DSA Weekly Update for Friday, October 4, 2019

What's On This Week

Comrade,    THE WEEKEND COMING UP Saturday MDC DSA Labor WG (see Briefs); Rent Control WG;  Sunday MoCo DSA Branch MeetingDSA for Bernie Working Group Meeting and midnight deadline for MDC DSA members to make nominations for vacancy on MDC DSA Steering Committee. See also many weekend events in our Allies calendar, below.

This is the QUICK READ version of the update, quite abbreviated. Readers can get full details on any of this material at the Web Update or by following individual item links.
Report on September GBM Electronic Chapter Vote
Thank you for your patience with the voting date confusion! After the extended election the winners are
IOC Co-Chair: Luke Rebecchi
Resolution to Endorse Rent Control: *Passes*
Resolution to Raise Reimbursement Limits: *Passes*
This spreadsheet breaks the vote down by both ballots for transparency’s sake,
NOTE The previous Steering Election channel has been redubbed #2019-special-election for the ongoing Steering elections; candidate statements and electioneering should go there. -- Zach E, secretary

Nominate yourself or another comrade BY SUNDAY to fill the current vacancy on the MDC DSA Steering Committee. The election will be held electronically after the October 13 GBM . Members can follow this special election nomination link , which will be available until 11:59 PM Sunday, Oct. 6. Five nominations are needed for a candidacy.

Here's the email roundup, sent Thursday night (Oct. 3) and here's the table of contents, with links:  

Metro DC DSA’s rent control working group – a general business meeting on Saturday, October 5 from 1:00 – 2:30 PM at the Petworth Library. At this meeting, we’ll continue to talk strategy.
 Labor Action:
Saturday, October 5th, The MDC DSA Labor Working Group's next meeting/get together is going to be at 5 PM at Lyman's Tavern in Columbia Heights. A planning session – Luke R
Canvass for Rent Control
Reclaim Rent Control first outreach canvass tomorrow -- Saturday -- at Porchfest in Adams Morgan recruiting folks to come out to our October 26th launch rally. Sign up here or email [email protected]. Also don't forget to RSVP to the launch rally or sign up here for updates.
Wage Theft Canvass
This coming Sunday (Oct. 6) from 12 - 2 PM the Just Pay Coalition is doing worker outreach at the Minnesota Avenue Metro about wage theft, the new minimum wage etc. This week’s canvass: sign up here or next week at Dupont Circle: sign up here.  Email [email protected] if you have any questions.

 Are you a parent who wants to get more engaged in DSA? Show your solidarity by attending the Red Cubs Child Care orientation on Sunday, November 3, 1:30-3:30 PM, at the Mt. Pleasant Neighborhood Library, 3160 16th St NW! Learn about our chapter’s approach to child care and increase our capacity to offer care at more events! Plus, there will be child care at the orientation!
From MoCo DSA: Courageous whistleblower and Montgomery County resident Chelsea Manning is still in jail for refusing to testify at a grand jury about questions she has already answered and served jail time for. Please donate to her legal fund.
ELECTORAL ACTIVITY: Mckayla Wilkes is running in Maryland’s 5th Congressional District, and she’s seeking the our chapter’s endorsement. There’s an AMA conference call with the candidate Tuesday October 8th, 7-8 PM.
Dial – 1-857-232-0158 and enter code 752728  See her candidate questionnaire  To RSVP or for more information, DM Nathan L(last name) in Slack.

FEATURED ARTICLES from the October Washington Socialist first published Tuesday, Oct. 1: Working Families and Warren; DC Statehood hearing; MoCo Climate Emergency Town Hall; Long View of the GDR

SOCIALIST NIGHT SCHOOL new semester begins:
Tuesday, October 15  6:30-8:30 PM
Introduction to Socialism: Socialist Night School
Cleveland Park Library  3310 Connecticut Ave NW · Washington, DC
Monday, October 28  6:30-8:30 PM
Financial Capitalism: Socialist Night School 
The Festival Center  1640 Columbia Rd NW · Washington, DC
jointly sponsored by Metro DC DSA and the Democracy Collaborative.
Tuesday, November 5  6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Introduction to Marxism (Socialist Night School).
Monday, November 18  6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
The Korean Peace Process and The Legacy of US Imperialism in Asia

Curious about Metro DC DSA? MDC DSA’s website has expanded resources on our chapter Campaigns, WGs and Caucuses – check it out here. Is your campaign, caucus or working group properly represented? Contact [email protected], attn: web managers.

MDC DSA Publications Schedule for October:  Updates in October will be published Fridays the 11th, 18th and 25th and the November Washington Socialist will publish Friday, Nov. 1. Article deadline for the November issue is Friday, Oct. 25.

MDC DSA Events for October/November

Follow links for detailssee all MDC DSA events here
Saturday, OCT 5  1-2:30 PM Rent Control Working Group Meeting
Sunday OCT 6  2:00 PM MoCo DSA 🌹General Branch Meeting
Sunday, OCT 6   3:30 PM to 4:30 PM  DSA for Bernie Working Group Meeting

Tuesday, October 8  7:00 PM to 8:00 PM Candidate Conference Call: Mckayla Wilkes
Thursday, OCT 10  6-8 PM Migrant Justice Working Group Happy Hour
Saturday, October 12  12- 2 PM  Queer Socialism Caucus Meeting
 Sunday OCT 13  3:00 PM  Metro DC DSA Monthly General Body Meeting
Friends Meeting of Washington, 2111 Florida Ave. NW, Washington, DC
Tuesday, October 15  6:30-8:30 PM Introduction to Socialism: Socialist Night School
Wednesday OCT 16  7:00 PM  MDC DSA Steering Committee
Sunday OCT 20  4:00 PM  Socialist Feminism Reading Group 🌹
Tuesday, October 22  7-8:30 PM  NOVA Branch DSA 🌹 Organizing Meeting
Thursday, October 24  6:30-8:30 PM  Rent Control Panel
Monday, October 28  6:30-8:30 PM Financial Capitalism: Socialist Night School 
Wednesday OCT 30  7:00 PM
Steering Committee (remote only)
Steering Committee meetings are open to any MDC DSA member who would like to attend. You can find the Zoom link in the #steering channel in the chapter’s Slack. Follow link for details.
Sunday, November 3  1:30 PM to 3:30 PM  Red Cubs Child Care Volunteer Orientation
Sunday, November 3  2:00 PM to 4:30 PM  MoCo DSA 🌹General Branch Meeting
Tuesday, November 5  6:30 PM to 8:30 PM  Introduction to Marxism (Socialist Night School)
Sunday, November 10  3:00 PM to 5:00 PM Metro DC DSA Monthly General Body Meeting  Friends Meeting of Washington  2111 Florida Ave. NW · Washington, DC
Monday, November 18  6:30 PM to 8:30 PM The Korean Peace Process and The Legacy of US Imperialism in Asia

Events from Our Allies in the DMV

Follow links for details
FRI, Oct. 4  Labor 2019 Book Symposium 
SAT Oct 5  Street Law 101: Know Your Rights Training
SAT, Oct  5 — Coffee and Conversations – Achieving Racial Equity in Prince George’s County
SAT Oct 5 Right to Housing Freedom School  
SUN Oct. 6 Chapter Meeting: Indigenous Peoples’ Day Teach-in 
SUN Oct 6Eastern Shore Environmental Legislative Summit,
SUN Oct 6 Police Accountability Workshop
MON Oct 7 October DC Climate Coalition Meeting
THURS Oct 10 Shut Down DC/Climate Strike meeting, debrief and planning
THUR Oct 10 AROS Forum On New Funding Formula For Prince George’s Public Schools
SUN Oct 13 Cop Watch DC – October Training!
THUR October 17 Monthly Legal Clinics for Restaurant Workers!
FRI Oct 18 Book Talk with Author David Kirp The College Dropout Scandal.
SAT Oct. 19 Town Hall -- Community Oversight of Surveillance in D.C
SUN Oct. 20 Discussion of “The War on Science” with Tim Whitehouse. 2:30 – 4 PM, Greenbelt Community Church,  1 Hillside Road, Greenbelt, Maryland. 20770 –
SUN October 20 Deep Canvass with SURJ 
 MON Oct 21, ROC DC Monthly Meeting  
MON Oct. 21 PACK the Hearing: A Roundtable on MPD's Body Worn Camera Program
TUES Dec 17 End Violence Ki Ki Ball 
>>The veteran proponent and interpreter of post-Marxism qua Gramsci, Chantal Mouffe, takes on today’s visibly polarized Brit political environment: “We must not be tempted to counter [Boris] Johnson’s populism with a return to centrist politics. It is precisely such a centrist politics that is at the origin of the current democratic crisis in western Europe.”

>>Memories at street level from Chicago organizers about Fred Hampton and his legacy – Hampton was one of the most self-aware and widely focused black radicals of his day, and his rainbow organizing principles, before the upper-case “R,” continue to underpin much activism in the city and elsewhere. From South Side Weekly via Portside,

>>One of a series of blogs from the UK Youth Climate Coalition on what next systems to mitigate climate change might look like (the previous ones are linked here). This one deals with “degrowth” to subdue the growth mantra in First World capitalist economics – “Supporters of the degrowth movement believe that GDP growth as a positive phenomenon is a western myth, and encourage the western world to accept that our current levels of GDP are linked not only to climate breakdown but also to social inequalities.” From the UKYCC’s pub The Ecologist, passed along locally by the Popular Resistance aggregator.
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