President Biden’s infrastructure plan meets the moment.

President Biden’s American Jobs Plan is a bold and urgently needed plan for rebuilding our country’s roads, bridges, and public transit -- including the Gateway Tunnel project here in New Jersey -- and reinvigorating our economy with millions of new jobs.

I also want to stress how important President Biden’s infrastructure plan is for the fight against climate change and for the future of our planet.

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New Jersey is one of the fastest warming states in the entire country. Climate change threatens our natural resources, our economy, and public health. Inaction is no longer an option for this existential threat. 

The American Jobs Plan meets the moment we’re in as a country:

  • Just last year, our country endured 22 extreme weather events that have cost over $1 billion each in damages. Biden’s plan would invest $50 billion to improve the resilience of our infrastructure and disaster recovery, and it would work hand in hand with a bill I introduced that would improve forecast and communication around floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes to help our communities better prepare for disasters.

  • Anywhere between 6 to 10 million homes across the country get drinking water through lead pipes. Polluted drinking water is a danger to our public health. Biden’s plan allocates $111 billion to ensure every community has access to clean, safe drinking water.

  • Biden’s plan would generate over 1 million green jobs every year by expanding tax credit incentives for clean-energy generation and manufacturing.

  • And Biden’s plan would make our country a leader in clean-energy technology and innovation, including floating offshore wind turbines, electric vehicles, and more.

As Chairwoman of the Environment Subcommittee on the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, I know this plan is essential for jumpstarting our country’s efforts to combat climate change and build back our economy stronger and more sustainably than before.

Will you join me in calling for bold action to tackle climate change while rebuilding our country’s infrastructure and economy?

Thank you and take care,



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Mikie Sherrill for Congress
PO Box 43032
Montclair, NJ 07043
United States

Mikie Sherrill was a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy. Use of her military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.