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ICYMI: HR 1 Is Attempted ‘Hostile Takeover’ of Elections

Hoosier Republicans,

This morning, Fox News published a story about the Democrats’ attempted federal hijacking of our elections. You can read the entire piece here:

This attempted abuse of power will have long term consequences for, not just Indiana, but for our entire country.

The Fox News story comes, in part, from a larger piece I wrote highlighting the danger HR 1 is to our republic. Below is the full text of that piece

Please help us spread the word about this attempted Democrat takeover of our elections so we can stop it in its tracks.

Hupfer: Democrat HR 1 is Attempted ‘Hostile Takeover’ of Elections

It didn’t take long—and we knew it wouldn’t—for Nancy Pelosi to use her razor-thin House majority to ram through a horde of items on her leftwing wish list. We’ve already seen this on taxes, energy independence (notice those rising gas prices?), and border security. However, perhaps the Pelosi-led Democrats’ most egregious overreach is HR 1, the Orwellian titled “For the People Act.” HR 1 is nothing short of a hostile takeover by Democrats to federalize our state and local elections. All Americans should be alarmed by this power grab. 

If enacted, HR 1 would allow Democrats to hijack our election system. Pelosi, Schumer, and the rest of the Democrats are using their temporary control in Washington to force through a wholesale takeover of state election laws that will open opportunities for widespread fraud and corruption. In fact, the Democrats are so obsessed with this power grab, that they are plotting to eliminate the senate filibuster and ram HR1 through.  (By the way, if you want to see hypocrisy at its finest, watch the videos of former Senators Biden and Obama and Senators Schumer and Durbin, among many others, passionately defending the importance of the senate filibuster when Democrats were in the minority).

HR 1 would completely eviscerate state voter ID laws, such as the one we have in Indiana that has been upheld by the Supreme Court. Voter ID is not only legal, but also widely popular and helps insure one person, one vote. Showing an ID to cast your vote is no more of a burden than showing an ID to do any number of things, from starting a new job to opening a checking account to picking up tickets at the will-call window at a Major League Baseball game. 

This proposal would force 37 states to adopt automatic voter registration and would force 27 states to adopt same day voter registration with no safeguards or support for verification. And, while Democrats are stuffing the voter rolls with unverified registrations, HR 1 makes it nearly impossible to purge state voter rolls of ineligible voters. 

HR 1 would give felons the right to vote. It would force you to pay for political campaigns by giving candidates your tax dollars. It limits free speech. It would count illegal aliens as residents, which would impact how congressional districts are drawn, giving more seats to traditionally Democrat areas. Maybe this explains why President Biden has allowed a complete breakdown of our southern border, doing nothing as waves and waves of illegal immigrants pour through the border and overwhelm our law enforcement officers and facilities.   

The proposal would also expand flawed and insecure vote-by-mail systems where ballots are mailed to voters regardless of if a ballot is requested or not. This was a system Democrats pushed during the 2020 election. This bill weaponizes the Federal Elections Commission and encourages the practice of ballot harvesting, a method of collecting ballots by partisan organizations. 

This legislation is the stuff of banana republics and is so far outside the mainstream that so-called moderate Democrats should join Republicans in rejecting this bill. If the Democrats get their wish and this bill is enacted, it will limit political expression, make our elections less secure, and line the ledger sheets of Democrat campaigns with taxpayer money. 

I’ve long believed that Washington needs more Indiana, Indiana doesn’t need more Washington. I’m sure red states and blue states alike feel the same about their home states. Indiana knows how to run elections for Indiana. As does Ohio for Ohio, Utah for Utah, New York for New York, and so on throughout the nation. In my home state, we’ve become nationally known as having the most reliable and rock-solid elections in the country. Hoosiers trust our system and we don’t need—or want—Washington Democrats to take it over.  

Election integrity is one of the most critical issues we face as a country. Americans must have confidence in our elections. Republicans will always fight against the Democrats’ assault on the security and integrity of our elections. Democrat-proposed HR 1 will make our elections less secure. HR1 is a bad bill, and it would be a bad law. I encourage all to reject it. 
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