Yesterday the House of Representatives voted to make the District of Columbia the 51st state.

It’s time to end taxation without representation and provide the over 700,000 residents in our Nation’s Capital with the same basic rights that Americans enjoy in our 50 states — the right to voting representation in the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.

Anything less is an affront to our democracy.

I am going to fight like hell to get this done. It’s long overdue that the residents of our Capital city have full voting rights. If you agree, add your name next to mine to show your support for D.C. statehood today >>

Earlier this week, the Biden Administration issued its formal support for the DC statehood bill -- and momentum is growing.

The same tired arguments that statehood opponents have been using for years are beginning to wither under the spotlight. D.C. has more residents than Vermont and Wyoming, and the people of D.C. pay more in federal income taxes than the residents of 22 other states.

There is no just reason to deny the people of D.C. their right to full representation.

Let’s make Washington, D.C. the 51st state. Add your name to call on the Senate to pass this historic legislation and right this wrong >>

Thank you for your support.
