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Whoops! You may have just gotten an email missing some info. Here’s what we meant to send you. We are excited to introduce you to our newest staff members Senior Attorney Anjana Malhotra and Director of Philanthropy Tamara Vasan. Each brings incredible know-how to strengthen our fight for economic justice.

Photos of Anjana Malhotra and Tamara Vasan against a blue and yellow background with text that says "Welcome our newest staff members!"

Anjana Malhotra brings over 15 years of experience in civil rights litigation, movement lawyering, and teaching law about high-impact racial justice and immigrants’ rights cases. Anjana is excited to continue NCLEJ’s fight against discriminatory Buffalo police policing practices in coalition with Black Love Resists and people of color in Buffalo. Anjana will support the gearing up of a case against the City of Buffalo that aims to jumpstart a remedial process to transform how the Buffalo Police Department operates – centering community groups in the effort to design solutions.

Tamara Vasan comes to NCLEJ with nearly 20 years of experience raising resources for anti-poverty, anti-oppression, and systems change work. She is excited to help raise awareness of NCLEJ’s impact litigation with BIPOC-led grassroots groups and progressive funders. Tamara shows up as an ally in the fight for racial justice, and puts in her time as a fundraiser who aims to hold power accountable while advancing equity.

Read more about Anjana, Tamara, and our full staff by reading their bios.

Dennis D. Parker
NCLEJ Executive Director

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