CNN: What packing the Supreme Court would really do

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer recently offered some advice to the proponents of court packing: think long and hard about the consequences.

Elizabeth Slattery says Breyer is right: any silver-bullet solution that purports to fix the perception of a politicized court will likely miss the mark and worsen the problem.

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We should follow the science, but who makes the decisions?

“We’re just following the science.”

That simple and seemingly unobjectionable statement has been used over the past year to justify every policy, regulation, and law related to the pandemic, no matter their scope or the length they’re in place.

Of course science is necessary for understanding how to deal with COVID-19. But Scott Barton explains in the latest Sword&Scales that it is also crucial to understand who should make decisions based on that science: the scientists, public officials, or individuals?

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America’s tragic history of discrimination against Asian-American individuals

The United States of America was founded on the noble premise that all men are created equal. Despite this, governments of all levels have treated individuals unequally along racial and ethnic lines.

Brittany Hunter chronicles our country’s disappointing history of anti-Asian sentiment spanning 160 years—and why PLF is standing up for Asian-American individuals today.

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