John, I chair the Nebraska Democratic Party, the Our Revolution board political committee, and lead Bold, an organization that fights pipeline and other fossil fuel expansion with frontline groups. Our movement — started by Bernie Sanders and carried on by Our Revolution — values relentless focus on democratizing the Democratic Party so that it represents voters, not special interest donors. That means fighting for a progressive platform, and it means structural change within the party. At last year’s Democratic Party Convention, our work led to the only resolution adopted — one that called for continuing the reform process within the party. Specifically, it called on the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee (RBC) to solicit public input on the reform process. In advance of that process, there is a public survey now on the DNC website, and we need to make sure that the party understands that more reform is needed. John, can we count on you to click here to make your voice heard to influence the direction of the Democratic Party?
Our Revolution and Bernie supporters worked hard to get so-called super or non-elected delegates out of the nominating process, and we won! We also worked to open up primaries to unaffiliated voters and vote by mail for both primaries and caucuses. These reforms are all part of how we build a democracy that represents working people. Click here to take the DNC’s official survey. They must hear your voice. The first question in the survey is about same-day party registration for primaries. We believe it is critical to bring more voters into the primary process, and younger voters are often not party members and get excluded from primaries. We also believe it is important that all state parties follow the rules and allow unaffiliated voters to join the party and vote on the day of the primary. The second question is about caucuses, and we believe that some form of vote by mail is important for all caucuses and primaries. The third critical question is about super or non-elected delegates. Our Revolution strongly supports keeping superdelegates out of the nominating process. The fourth and final question asks about additional reforms. Enforcement of the rules provisions allowing unaffiliated voters to join the party and vote on primary day is critical. New York and many other states require party-switching months in advance of the primary, which prevents young and other unaffiliated voters from voting. After you take the survey, any support you can give would be a big help. Our Revolution is the key leader among national political organizations in promoting party reform at all levels. Donate and join thousands of Our Revolution members now to support this critical work. In solidarity, Jane
