Hello John,
I am excited to share with you the first iteration of our new quarterly newsletter. We offer this space as a container to learn, to engage, and to amplify - not just updates from UAF - but from activists and grantees, movements and communities, and our partners and networks. If there is something you'd like to us to include in our next quarterly review - please do not hesitate to reach out.
Some highlights from below:
- It is with both deep grief & deep love that this issue reflects on the passing of Tatiana Cordero Velásquez, Executive Director of Urgent Action Fund - Latin America and the Caribbean.
- We're so proud of UAF's Senior Advocacy Officer, Nathalie Margi, for highlighting funding gaps for women's organizations at CSW 65
- And equally proud of UAF Grants Officer, Bella Bat-Erdene, for articulating in her Op-Ed why the climate crisis needs feminism.
- Our movement colleagues at Third Wave Fund are accepting proposals for their "Own Our Power Fund" and
- UAF's Programs Team compile into infographic form just how busy they were in 2020.
We want this e-newsletter to be valuable for you so please, please share your feedback and suggestions to help us improve. Thank you for your ongoing support of UAF!
In Solidarity,
Director of Partnerships, Urgent Action Fund