TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; click here to hear today's report
NoVA Labor Delegation to UAW Picket Line in Dublin: Fri, April 23, 12pm – 1pm 5110 Cougar Trail Road, Dublin VA More than 3,000 UAW Local 2069 members at the Volvo truck assembly plant in Dublin, VA, went on strike on Saturday. NoVA Labor is contributing to the strike fund and sending a delegation Friday morning to join the picket line. RSVP if you are able to go. This plant is the largest manufacturer of Volvo tractor-trailer trucks in the world. RSVP if you can join: [email protected]
Dying to Make a Living: Southern Workers Health and Safety Summit/Cumbre de Seguridad y Salud de los Trabajadores del Sur: Sat, April 24, 11am – 2pm
NoVA Labor to walk Volvo picket line today More than 3,000 workers at the Volvo plant in Dublin, VA -- the largest manufacturer of Volvo tractor-trailers in the world -- went on strike last Saturday. Saying that “UAW Local 2069 needs our solidarity!” NoVA Labor president Virginia Diamond reports that the council is sending a delegation, bearing a contribution to the strike fund, to join the picket line today at noon (see Calendar above for details). Hear more on this week’s Your Rights At Work radio show.
Labor Photo: DC labor celebrates historic House vote on DC statehood
Photos courtesy David Stephen (l) and Ann Hoffman.
Solidarity Center Podcast: How Unions Meet COVID-19 Challenges-and Beyond On this week's Solidarity Center podcast, Nigerian Labor Congress President Ayuba Wabba shares how Nigerian workers stood up for their rights during COVID-19 hardships--proving again the strength of collective power in bargaining and striking. Wabba, who is also president of the International Trade Union Confederation, discusses why the pandemic showed the need for a new global social contract to ensure workers have access to basic rights like paid sick leave, health care and good wages. Listen to his full conversation with Solidarity Center Executive Director Shawna Bader-Blau at The Solidarity Center Podcast or wherever you get your podcasts.
Today's Labor Quote: Ida Mae Stull
“I’ve got no business baking cookies and mending clothes. I’m a coal miner.”
The country’s first woman coal miner died on this date in 1980.
This week’s Labor History Today podcast: Ludlow: My name is Louis Tikas. Plus Saul Schniderman on Anne Feeney. Last week’s show: The US-Canadian Labor History Collaborative
April 23 United Farm Workers of America founder Cesar Chavez dies in San Luis, Ariz., at age 66 - 1993
April 24 The International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union halts shipping on the West Coast in solidarity with Mumia Abu-Jamal, a Philadelphia journalist whom many believed was on death row because he was an outspoken African-American - 1999
April 25 The New York Times declares the struggle for an eight-hour workday to be “un-American” and calls public demonstrations for the shorter hours “labor disturbances brought about by foreigners.” Other publications declare that an eight-hour workday day would bring about “loafing and gambling, rioting, debauchery and drunkenness” - 1886
IWW Marine Transport Workers begin West Coast strike - 1923
The Rev. Ralph David Abernathy and 100 others are arrested while picketing a Charleston, S.C. hospital in a demand for union recognition - 1969
Supreme Court rules that employers may not require female employees to make larger contributions to pension plans in order to obtain the same monthly benefits as men - 1978
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
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