Dear Supporter

Firstly, I would like to thank all of you who came to help us on our stall last Saturday.? We had a great turn out and lots of positive feedback about the Brexit Party.? Ben Habib (Brexit Party London MEP and?Fulham resident) came out to support us.? See our facebook report.?

I am emailing you today, as I would like to invite you to a drinks in Fulham on Thursday, 10th October 2019 at 7pm.? It will be a great opportunity for us to meet other local supporters and to discuss ways that we can help the Brexit Party if a general election is called and you can tell me what policies you would like to see put forward by the Brexit Party, locally and nationally.

If you would like to join me, please would you reply with your name, address and contact details to Maddie Farley,?[email protected].? I will confirm the exact location just beforehand which will be in the local area.

I hope you can make it.


Kind regards

photo? ?
Jeremy Maddocks
PPC Chelsea & Fulham,?
The Brexit Party

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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?insta?jeremymaddocksbrexit
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The Brexit Party Limited, registered in England & Wales No.11694875
Registered Office: 83 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0HW, United Kingdom
Promoted by Paul Oakden on behalf of The Brexit Party, at 83 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0HW

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