From Poll in Session [MFA] <[email protected]>
Subject RE: Washington Post Offices
Date April 23, 2021 12:05 AM
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Even though Donald Trump is out of office, his #1 crony, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy is continuing to wreak havoc on the U.S. Postal Service.

Millions of people rely on the USPS to receive vital prescriptions, pay bills, and vote by mail! It's no wonder Republicans want to CRUSH the USPS.

We're springing into action and launching a new poll to gauge public approval of the U.S. Postal Service.

As a resident of Washington, DC, you've been selected to participate. Please reply immediately:

Washington Post Office Approval
Do you approve of Washington Post Offices?

YES ➡︎ [link removed]
NO ➡︎ [link removed]
UNSURE ➡︎ [link removed]

Poll in Progress

This is a Medicare For All poll distributed to [email protected] in Washington, DC on 04/22/2021. Please respond within 30 minutes to ensure your data is accurately recorded.

We're counting on your response to save the U.S. Postal Service! Please don't let us down.

-Team MFA

This message was sent to: [email protected]

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From all of us at Medicare For All, we thank you for all your support!

Paid for by Medicare For All. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. [link removed]

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