In the Media, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most
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Wells Cathedral School in Somerset failed to recognise "all the hallmarks of grooming" among music staff who were later convicted of child sexual abuse, the
Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has heard.
The parents of a brain-damaged girl will be allowed to take her abroad to continue her treatment, the High Court has ruled. Her parents argued in court that
argued that the girl was from a Muslim family and Islamic law said only God could take the decision to end her life.
Sikh peer Indarjit Singh has quit BBC Radio Four's Thought for the Day after more than three decades and criticised the over-sensitivity of the corporation's
An American man faces a federal murder charge for allegedly holding his six-year-old son's face under hot water for several minutes to cast out a "demon".
'Morality police' are engaged in a violent bid to impose Isis control over a camp of 68,000 mostly women and children, remnants of the collapsed caliphate.
Anthony Loyd reports.
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