Earth Day is far from over.
As the sun sets on April 22nd, we know that we have our work cut
out for us. Every year, Earth Day inspires new energy in the
environmental movement and attracts millions more to the cause — but
we need to keep that momentum going.
This is the year we make every day Earth Day. Will you help us make this a reality?
Earth Day is the largest civic observance in the world, and today
the conversation was all about Restoring Our Earth. We talked to world
climate leaders, grassroots activists, nonprofit innovators, thought
leaders, industry leaders, artists, musicians, influencers and more.
We explored the opportunities to fight climate change with natural
solutions and green technologies.
But we know that our movement needs more than talk — we
need action. Action from the grassroots to demand action from
our leaders.
We demand that governments and corporations commit to sustainable
practices, not by 2040 or even 2030, but immediately. We call for
universal climate literacy for schoolkids worldwide. We must transform
our farming industry to work for the planet rather than against
EARTHDAY.ORG is leading the charge in these campaigns and
more with advocacy, mobilization and education. But we can’t do it
without you.
Help us fight for our future.
For tomorrow,
Kathleen Rogers President