anti-state • anti-war • pro-market
Friday, October 4th, 2019

Forced Vaccination

Article by Bill Sardi.

Unasked Questions About US-Ukrainian Relations

Is US national security being trumped by loathing for Trump? Article by Stephen F. Cohen.

Former Israeli Intel Official Claims Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell

Worked for Israeli Intel. Article by Whitney Webb.

War, Economic Ruin, and Liberty Destruction Will Never End

Until the Federal Reserve Is Abolished. Article by Gary D. Barnett.

Covert Regime Change: America’s Secret Cold War

Article by David Gordon.

Trump Administration Provides New Evidence for a Saudi Connection to 9/11

Article by Philip Giraldi.

The Illusion of Control

Article by Robert Gore.

The Conspiracy Against Trump Is Now Out In The Open

Article by Paul Craig Roberts.

Impeachment Is About Putting Down the Peasants’ Revolt

Trump must be publicly drawn-and-quartered because he is the leader of the uprising. Article by David Catron.

What’s the Big Problem With Facial Recognition?

Article by Mike Maharrey.

Nuclear War Between Pakistan and India Would Kill 100 million People

‘Immediately’ Before Causing Global Mass Starvation.

You Ask a Lot of Questions for a President

Article by Ann Coulter.

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