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AOC Weighs In on Derek Chauvin Verdict: “I Don’t Even Think We’d Call It Full Accountability”

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Friend, this is the biggest threat to gun owners America has EVER seen.

Not even 24 hours after the heartbreaking mass shooting in Colorado, Joe Biden POUNCED on the opportunity.

He's exploiting the tragedy to bypass Congress and push for a full-on BAN on "assault weapons" and high-capacity magazines... by EXECUTIVE ORDER!

He just declared war on the 2nd amendment by saying he "doesn't need to wait another hour" before making his move.

We CANNOT let the Democrats use this shooting to destroy the Constitution and punish legal gun owners.

Please, join with patriots all across America and sign the national "PROTECT THE 2ND AMENDMENT" petition... we must push Congress to block any and all attempts to ban the legal right of Americans to own firearms.

This all comes on right after Nancy Pelosi and Congressional Democrats are pushing to undo Trump's pro-gun agenda.

They JUST passed legislation that threatens the rights of legal gun owners... we simply can't let them get away with this!

If we can't get Republicans to block this gun grab, there won't be anything stopping the Democrats from completely dismantling the 2nd amendment forever.

The anti-gun left is fighting hard, and the time to stand strong and support the Constitution has never been more critical.

Will you add your name to the petition to PROTECT THE 2ND AMENDMENT today?

Former President Barack Obama is also jumping at the opportunity as well, calling for more action to prevent American citizens from owning firearms.

Their agenda is clear - they won't stop until guns are entirely banned from ownership!

Biden is also pushing the creation of universal background checks via H.R. 8.

The time is now - PLEASE sign the petition to make sure Congress defeats this gun grab immediately.

The time is now... we can't wait one more second or the 2nd amendment might be abolished for good.

Are you with us?

Sign the Petiton

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