Dear Friend,
Earth Day in a time of Covid-19 and climate crisis necessitates a dire call to action. The pandemic has laid bare the intersections of climate, economic, health and racial injustices that our low income and frontline Black and brown communities face every day. This is a huge wake-up call for our City on why we must invest in healthier infrastructure that centers low-income frontline communities of color.
Today we released a report, Big Returns on Climate Investments in NYC: How $200 Million Invested This Year Will Create Thousands of Career Jobs, Reduce Costs, and Move Us to a Just Recovery, which shows a just economic recovery is possible if the City invests $200 million in the budget for climate and jobs action. This $200 million would be a down payment toward building the green infrastructure of the future. We are urging the City to invest in green healthier schools, equitable waste systems, and good, green jobs. Will you join us?
Climate Works for All Budget Priorities:
$100 million to install solar energy in public schools;
$80 million to retrofit public schools;
$3 million to electrify school buses;
$17 million to expand municipal composting and implement commercial waste zone
As the City is looking for a pathway to rebuild our economy, it must do so cognizant of the tens of thousands of New Yorkers unemployed, the children who still breath toxic air and drink polluted waters, and rising tides coastal communities face. New Yorkers cannot wait for the next hurricane, pandemic, or heat wave for our City to act. We must invest in real climate infrastructure and jobs now.
In the next 10 days from April 22 (Earth Day) to May 1 (May Day, International Workers’ Day) We will continue our call for climate and jobs action. Join us in the fight for a more just and equitable economy and planet.
In solidarity,
Maritza Silva-Farrell
Executive Director