On this Earth Day, we hope Green Americans like you are celebrating our nation's steps forward. You and I know that we cannot preserve this precious planet without also making sure all its people are healthy and safe. 

The verdict to convict Derek Chauvin on all three counts this week for the murder of George Floyd is an important step forward in holding police accountable for violence against Black people. At the same time, we support the call from racial justice organizations that we need to do far more to prevent police violence against people of color and address the economic inequality, stemming from centuries of racism, that impacts Black and Brown communities.

We also commend Biden's announcement today at the Leaders Summit on Climate to commit the US to cutting greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030. This is a necessary step since we reached a concerning milestone this week of carbon dioxide exceeding 420 parts per million, an indicator that climate change is accelerating.

We need to address these two crises – racism and climate change. As a country, there is growing awareness of the problems and important steps towards solutions, but there is so much more that has to happen as we work to reverse institutional racism and the climate crisis.

Our most recent Green American magazine features articles about reparations and the need to redirect wealth to support Black communities. And please join us in taking climate action for Earth Day.

Defunding dystopia

Defunding dystopia, reimagining peace

Healing from here

How we heal moving forward

Climate Change

Building a people-first economy

Climate Victory Garden

10 ways you can fight climate change

GAM article ad



Webinar: Leaking Havoc

Our Climate Campaigns Director Beth Porter will be engaging with the Peace Corps Community in a conversation about the climate threats of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and the adoption of climate-friendly refrigerants globally. Join us on May 16, 2021, 8:00pm - 9:30pm EDT.

Green Businesses

Shop Certified Green Businesses

Our National Green Pages lets you find the ethically produced products and services you need for home and work. The featured businesses have earned Green America's Green Business Certification, so you can be assured they are dedicated to building an economy that works for people and the planet.



Find a better bank

Tell Walmart: Cool it for the Climate

Over 100,000 people joined us to demand that Walmart eliminate its highly potent refrigerant emissions – and Walmart has finally announced that it will transition to “low-impact” refrigerants by 2040. We’re urging Walmart to meet the scale of this crisis and to release a detailed plan to cut its refrigerant emissions on a more aggressive timeline.

Take Action: Trader Joe's

Don't Discount our Futures, Trader Joe's

Trader Joe's has a bad history of leaking dangerous climate pollutants and not disclosing the labor practices in its supply chains. And the company doesn’t even report how it plans to address these serious issues.
Take action to hold Trader Joe's accountable.

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