
On this 51st Earth Day, President Biden has committed the U.S. to cutting emissions in half by 2030 to address the ongoing climate crisis.

This ambitious commitment would put the U.S. back at the forefront of a global effort to curb carbon emissions. Will you add your name to join us in supporting Biden’s plan?

The effects of climate change are vast, devastating, and inescapable. From rising sea levels and shrinking glaciers to historic wildfires and heavy rain, we’ve already begun to see the damage of climate change. The impact we’re seeing will only continue to escalate if we fail to act boldly and swiftly — both on an individual level and a policy level in the states and federal government.

Here in Massachusetts, we have incredible natural resources that we should be proud to protect, and vital economic sectors from forestry to agriculture to fisheries that need to be sustainably managed for future generations. We also share a border with the rising Atlantic Ocean, making climate change a huge priority for all of us. That's why our state is leading the Transportation and Climate Initiative to develop the regional clean energy economy and reduce emissions from transportation.

This is the defining issue of our generation. On Earth Day, join us in recommitting to the fight against climate change and in support of Joe Biden’s climate plan.


Team Moulton