
An Open Borders, Defund the Police agenda has taken over our nation’s capital.

Under the reign of career-politicians Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, these far-left policies are being set in motion - and America Last has once again become the name of the game for our leaders in the D.C. Swamp.
In 2022, though, we have our first chance to rewrite the script. We can jump on an opportunity to take back the majority in Congress by electing bold conservatives in Arizona and throughout the country!

You can help our mission to do just that - pitch in for a 2022 victory!
With how high the stakes are, we can’t afford anything less than an overwhelming, America First Republican victory in the fall of 2022.

If we don’t, our country could be unrecognizable - negligence at the border will only continue, and Democrats will continue their half-baked pursuit of importing new voters at the expense of our safety and security.

We can form a much-needed defense against their power, but it’s going to be an all-hands-on-deck mission. Are you with us?
Thanks for pitching in towards a 2022 victory,
AZGOP Political Team