Public Review Kicks Off for Gowanus Rezoning Following Lawsuit Delays The city officially kicked off public review Monday for its much-debated proposal to rezone an 82-block swath of Gowanus, Brooklyn, a process that’s been delayed for months due to a lawsuit filed earlier this year by community groups challenging the city’s decision to hold virtual public hearings on the plan.
Recibe nuestro último informe en tu buzón de correo electrónico cada semana de forma gratuita. Vivienda, tránsito, justicia, inmigración y muchos más asuntos que te importan sobre Nueva York. Además, lo más destacado de otras noticias, artículos de opinión, consejos y recomendaciones.
Aging in the City:
What the Mayoral Candidates Say They’ll Do for Older New Yorkers
LiveOn NY and City Limits hosted a non-partisan, virtual Mayoral Forum on Aging in New York City. We heard from candidates on their stance on issues related to the future of aging in our City.
¿Cómo funcionó el fondo de ayuda para inmigrantes y trabajadores excluídos en California y Chicago? ¿Qué lecciones puede aprender el estado de Nueva York de otras experiencias en la implementación del fondo para trabajadores excluidos?
Aunque los defensores de vivienda afirman que el acuerdo presupuestario incluye una importante victoria para los inquilinos —creando un programa multimillonario para la reducción de los alquileres—, hay menos fondos tanto para NYCHA como para la prevención de la falta de vivienda de lo que se esperaba.
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Opinion: New York Needs Publicly-Owned Utilities, Not Sham Stakeholder Participation ‘The time has come to remove corporate profiteering from the picture altogether. Two new bills —the NY Build Public Renewables Act and the forthcoming NY Utility Democracy Act—would do just that, initiating a takeover of the state’s investor-owned utilities that would make them publicly owned and democratically accountable.’
Opinion: To Truly Combat Political Polarization, NYC Needs Open Primaries ‘In jurisdictions dominated by one political party like New York City, Ranked Choice Voting alone likely won’t be an effective remedy for political divisions, since the partisans of the dominant party might lack a real incentive to care about the concerns of voters from the opposition party.’
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