Update from the Taxpayers' Union

Dear Supporter,

2019 Jonesie Awards: we highlight the best of the worst in Government waste

Jonesie photo

Yesterday, we hosted our second annual Oscars-style awards ceremony at Parliament. The "Jonesies" celebrate the best of the worst of government waste at both the local and central government level.

Here's Seven Sharp's coverage:

Seven Sharp video

So, who was lucky enough to take home a golden sow?

  • Palmerston North City Council won in the Local Government category, for its $391,000 corporate welfare payment to Toyota New Zealand (the world's largest car manufacturer!).
  • Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern won in the Central Government category, for her hypocritical fuel price inquiry that ignored the Government's own petrol taxes.
  • Sir Tim Shadbolt won the Lifetime Achievement Award for excellence in Government waste racked up over many years. He joins the Jonesies' namesake, Shane Jones, in the pantheon of great troughers.

You can read the full list of nominees (and watch the full recording of the ceremony) here.

PM must strip Jones of forestry portfolio

Shane Jones

Remember who the Jonesie Awards are named after?

Last week it was reported that Shane Jones, as Minister of Forestry, told attendees of an industry event that the sector needed to get behind and support NZ First or else it will miss out on Government support and Provincial Growth Fund (taxpayer) money.

That's a disgraceful attempt to exploit his control of taxpayer funds for political ends, and the Prime Minister rightfully rebuked him.

However, instead of apologising to the public, he’s now threatening ‘utu’ on the whistleblower from the event.

This isn’t the first time that Shane Jones has bullied business, been rebuked by the Prime Minister, and then doubled down.

We say the Prime Minister now has every reason to sack Mr Jones. Lashing out at a whistleblower for blowing the whistle on behaviour that borders on corrupt is the action of a wannabe despot, not a Minister in the Cabinet of a Western nation (let alone the “most open and transparent” government!).

"Sister city" relationships: worth the cost?

Islay has been looking into sister cities, and the associated ratepayer-funded junkets and ceremonies.

She hit the streets to find out if Wellingtonians could name even one of their council-appointed sister cities:

Video stillClick here to watch.

Does your local council have any "sister city" relationships? Do you know for sure?

Revealed: New Zealand's army of ratepayer-funded council staff

Our recent Ratepayers' Report reveals that local councils across New Zealand employ 30,497 staff – equal to the entire population of Timaru.

And look how many "earn" over $100,000:

Council staff

Often councils will justify rates increases on the basis of infrastructure spending, when in reality the spending is sucked up by rising payroll costs.

We also looked at which councils spend the most on staff on a per-household basis. You can find out more here.

Spotted at the climate protests...

Finally this week, our friendly mascot Porky the Waste-hater loves a good protest. When he saw the climate emergency protestors outside our office, he rushed out to join them with a message of his own:

Porky marching

Thank you for your support.


Louis Houlbrooke
Communications Officer
New Zealand Taxpayers' Union


Media coverage:

Seven Sharp  Awards ceremony celebrating biggest wastes in Kiwi taxpayers’ money takes place in Wellington

NZ Herald  Simon Wilson: An angry night with mayoral candidates and the Taxpayers' Union

The Press  Subsidised equity scheme offers interest-free mortgages for chosen homebuyers

The Spinoff  Auckland’s penny-pinching rates protesters find a new hero

Star News  Residents evenly divided over paying for stadium

Stuff  Auckland mayoral election: Traffic tax could help ease super city's congestion conundrum

Timaru Herald  Thirteen items up for discussion behind closed doors by Timaru council subcommittee

Homepaddock  Open and transparent?

RNZ  Giving Amazon a break

Otago Daily Times  World Cup bid cost a secret

The Press  Christchurch City councillor Deon Swiggs taking 'short break'

Point of Order  Jacindamania rages again but pessimistic businesses need stimulation from something else – like a tax cut

The Press  Strong backing for mayoral hopeful Darryll Park's plan to slash Christchurch's rates

Northern Advocate  Whangārei on top as taxpayer group rates Northland councils

Authorised by The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union Inc. Level 4, 117 Lambton Quay, Wellington.