
Today is the 51st anniversary of Earth Day, a day that is set aside each year for us to take the time to address our environmental concerns and focus on creating a happier and healthier planet earth.

Since the first Earth Day in 1970, over 190 countries have joined in and over 1 billion citizens have taken action to create a cleaner environment on earth day.

Tell us, how are you celebrating our planet on this Earth Day?

While we may not be able to participate in Earth Day activities as we would normally, we can continue to create a cleaner environment from the comfort of our homes. Here are a few things you can do today to celebrate our planet:
  • Eliminate your use of single-use plastics. Only 1% of 4 trillion plastic bags are recycled each year throughout the world. Instead of using plastic wrap, try reusable beeswax wraps that work just as well!
  • If you have the space, start composting! Not only does it save water and create a nutritious source of food for your plants, it also helps reduce landfill waste.
  • Instead of driving to the store that may be in walking distance from your home, try walking, biking, etc., to reduce your fossil fuel footprint.
While everyday is Earth Day, please let us know what you’re doing today to preserve and protect our planet!

We must work together to protect our planet! Thank you for all you do.

Mike Thompson


Authorized & Paid For By Mike Thompson For Congress
Mike Thompson for Congress
PO Box 10541
Napa, CA 94581
United States