Right now, we are polling as the third political party. People across the country see that we aren't writing fairytales. We are building plans for environmental, economic and social justice that work for people and planet.



In 14 days time, we will be contesting nearly 3,000 seats across England and Wales. Right now, we are polling as the third political party. People across the country see that we aren't writing fairytales, instead, we are building plans for environmental, economic and social justice that work for people and planet. Are you with us?

As we work to develop a more regenerative economic system we need to focus on local communities and businesses that support the common good.


Independent businesses have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic and must be financially supported to get back on their feet. They are important pillars in their local communities.


Because, as Jonathan shares in the video (below) 'if you spend a pound in a chain store, most of the money leaves the local economy. But if you spend it in an independent shop, it carries on circulating in the local economy'.

A #GreenFuture is one where small businesses are supported and local  communities thrive. By supporting us, you are investing in resilient local economies.

Thank you for your continued support.


In hope,

Green Party of England and Wales


P.S. Your support is crucial as we work to get as many Greens elected as possible. Every £5 allows us to print and distribute hundreds of leaflets in our target wards. Help us achieve a #GreenFuture.