We face a daunting climate emergency.

The planet keeps getting hotter and extreme weather events like hurricanes, wildfires, and floods are growing more intense and more frequent every year.

We’re running out of time to stop even more extreme climate change and the resulting catastrophic damage to our planet.

We just lost four critical years going backwards with Donald Trump. And it’s absolutely crucial that we take bold action, both here at home and internationally, to address carbon emissions.

So on this Earth Day, I am asking you to raise your voice and support immediate action on climate change. Will you add your name to my petition in support of the Green New Deal and a National Climate Bank?

Earlier this week, I joined Senator Ed Markey and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to re-introduce the Green New Deal — that establishes an important roadmap for fighting the climate crisis at scale.

Implementing the Green New Deal blueprint would create 20 million good-paying union jobs and create a more sustainable economy based on renewable energy.

But we can go even further. For years, I have pushed to establish a non-profit, publicly capitalized financing authority that can leverage a huge infusion of private capital into clean energy infrastructure. That’s why I have re-introduced with Senator Markey our National Climate Bank legislation to do just that -- sparking innovation by investing billions into new clean energy projects.

We must keep up relentless pressure for climate action. Will you sign my petition to show your support for crucial climate legislation like the Green New Deal and a National Climate Bank?

Demanding action on climate change is not just an environmental issue, it’s a national security issue, a social justice issue, a generational justice issue, and more.

This is the only planet we have, and we must do everything we can to protect it.
