From Precious Life <[email protected]>
Subject 🤱 Precious Life help young pregnant mum after death of her partner
Date April 22, 2021 5:29 PM
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plus ...ACTION ALERT - contact your Westminster MP to protect Northern Ireland's unborn babies

** e-News from Precious Life
Hi John,

Check out the latest stories in this week's edition of our e-News!
Best regards,

The Precious Life Communications Team
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Precious Life were busy again this week across Northern Ireland with dedicated volunteers outside abortion centres in Belfast, Derry, and Newry - lovingly reaching out to vulnerable women. We provide these women with compassionate life-affirming solutions to any 'crisis' they may be facing
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ACTION ALERT - ask your MP to vote against Northern Ireland Abortion Regulations

The Westminster Parliament will shortly vote on imposing more abortion on Northern Ireland.

The Abortion (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2021 will give Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Brandon Lewis the power to force Northern Ireland Ministers, departments and health bodies to kill more unborn babies. The Regulations need to be approved by both the House of Commons and the House of Lords before 5 May.

If passed, Westminster will be ignoring devolution and taking power to override the Stormont Assembly. Brandon Lewis should not be interfering in a devolved matter when the NI Assembly is up and running.

As you know, the Westminster Parliament forced abortion on Northern Ireland in 2019 when the Assembly was suspended. Westminster. MPs passed Section 9 of the ‘NI Executive Formation Act’ and Westminster’s abortion legislation came into force in Northern Ireland on 31st March last year. Over 1345 unborn babies have been killed since then.

If you live in Northern Ireland, England, Wales or Scotland please contact your local MP and also Peers in the House of Lords

You can find their contact details by filling in your postcode on the WriteToThem ([link removed]) website. You can send an email directly from website.

In your own words tell them :

- You are aware that MPs/Peer will soon be asked to approve the Northern Ireland Abortion Regulations 2021 before 5 May

- Abortion is a devolved issue in Northern Ireland and that these Regulations are completely inappropriate now that the Assembly has been restored for well over a year

- Westminster should not be treating a devolved Assembly in this deeply disrespectful way. Westminster does not ignore principles of devolution for Scotland and Wales, so they should not for Northern Ireland either

- Ask your MP / Peer to vote against the Abortion (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2021 when it comes to a vote and

- Tell your MP / Peer to ask the Government to facilitate the repeal of Section 9 of the Executive Formation Act, as the Assembly has now been restored.

WriteToThem ([link removed])

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Precious Life help young pregnant mum after death of her partner

Director of Precious Life Bernadette Smyth visited Sarah this week to deliver a much needed Baby Essentials Pack. Sarah, who is expecting her sixth baby in July, has demonstrated such bravery since her partner Anthony passed away suddenly one month ago.

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Argentinian pro-abortion leader dies during abortion procedure

After Argentina legalised abortion, the abortion activist's tragic death is the first recorded since the pro-abortion law was passed at the end of 2020.

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American Government Caught Buying "Fresh" Flesh Of Aborted Babies

Americans should be outraged their government participates in the wide-scale human trafficking operation that created a market for harvesting the organs of murdered infants.

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It's mortally sinful to take or facilitate coronavirus vaccine - Priest's analysis of Vatican documents

According to the properly framed and understood moral principles invoked by the Vatican documents concerning abortion-tainted vaccines, the COVID-19 vaccine products are mortally sinful to take or facilitate.

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3rd July 2021

The Rally for Life is the largest annual pro-life gathering in Ireland, and is highly-regarded as an exciting, colourful, life-affirming event. Centred around a major pro-life March on the first Saturday of July, the Rally has now grown into a whole Pro-Life Festival celebrating life.

In 2020, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Rally for Life events were hosted online - but with 36 local rallies held around the country. Precious Life organised Life Chain events in the cities of Belfast, Derry and Newry, and in counties Antrim, Armagh, Derry, Down, and Tyrone.

Due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, this year's 'physical' Rally looks unlikely to go ahead and will be hosted online. But Precious Life will also once again organise more Life Chain events across Northern Ireland (in accordance with whatever regulations are in place in July). We will keep you up-to-date over the coming weeks. Contact us ([link removed]) if you would like to help organise an event in your area.

Meanwhile, you can relive some of the colourful highlights of previous years' rallies in these videos here 😊📢🎈

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Rally for Life - Belfast 2016

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Rally for Life - Belfast 2021

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VIDEO - Christian Parents, It Is Time To Talk About Aborted Fetal Cell Use in Vaccines...

Precious Life has made available the video blocked by YouTube

View here... ([link removed])

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Bishop Schneider commends pro-lifers fighting abortion-tainted vaccines

Bishop Athanasius Schneider commended the goal of seven Italian pro-life organizations to build a new pro-life movement that rejects all use of cells derived from body parts of aborted babies.

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